APMIS workshop concludes

KABUL, Afghanistan – The NEOC conducted a workshop on Afghanistan Polio Management Information System (APMIS) in South-Eastern Paktia and Khost provinces. The NEOC director, Dr. Nek Wali Shah Momin oversaw the process of the workshop.
He told in the workshop participants, “This system effectively helps the systematic data gathering, accuracy and decision-making based on the relevant data.”
Since the APMIS is accomplished in East-Region, this time, it going to be activated in South-East region. For the purpose of the system effectiveness for the program, a five day training is held by National EOC with the technical support of CDC. In the workshop 447 persons are trained.
It is planned that AMPIS training will also take place in Paktika and Ghazni provinces of South-East Region. In the long-run, this system will be extended to other regions of the country.